The 4G Scam – Jio aur khao

Ambani acquired nationwide 4G spectrum at 1/10th of the Rs 1,76,000 Crores expected from the 2G auctions, without as much of a whimper of a protest.
Read moreAmbani acquired nationwide 4G spectrum at 1/10th of the Rs 1,76,000 Crores expected from the 2G auctions, without as much of a whimper of a protest.
Read moreThe recent purchase of Ruia’s Essar Oil by Russia’s Rosneft is at an unusually attractive valuation, raising speculation if there is something fishy in the deal.
Read morePM Modi has renegotiated the Rafale deal to great advantage of Ambanis and even greater disadvantage to India. He is now buying far fewer planes at multifold cost without any technology transfer – just to enrich The Ambanis.
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